14ᵗʰ International Symposium on Landslides and Rock Stability Symposium
The RocPro3D team was present in Chambéry at ISL2024.
Have you ever considered using 3D modelling for rockfall hazard asessment?
3D modelling for rockfall hazard asessment has many advantages
Have I thrown enough blocks ?
Check the reliability of this indicator by verifying its convergence
Why use a probabilistic software to assess rockfall hazard?
Probabilistic simulation software is used to account for this variability by incorporating uncertainty in parameters.
Version 6.2.1 available
The version 6.2.1 can be downloaded
Use of RocPro3D: rockfall in the Maurienne Valley
Example of results obtained with the RocPro3D software: rockfall of the La Praz cliff (Maurienne Valley, August 2023, France)
Version 6.2 available
The version 6.2 can be downloaded
Managing unconventional DTMs in RocPro3D
Managing unconventional DTMs may appear tedious. However, RocPro3D version 6.2 includes new DTM edition tools to manage most meshes and make them compatible with the RocPro3D requirements, allowing to process them in just a few minutes.
Managing large and oversampled DTMs in RocPro3D
In order to run simulations with #RocPro3D, a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) is required. This DTM can be very large for high spatial resolution, which often leads to oversampling.
Patch (6.1.1)
New patch (6.1.1) version available