14ᵗʰ International Symposium on Landslides and Rock Stability Symposium 2024
July 15th, 2024
The RocPro3D team was present in Chambéry at the 14ᵗʰ International Symposium on Landslides and Rock Stability Symposium 2024 (ISL2024). This symposium provided a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the complex geological and geotechnical challenges influenced by human activities and climate change.
RocPro3D was featured in numerous presentations.
Modelling a rockfall field experiment using the stochastic RocPro3D software: effects of the DTM resolution
Jean-Dominique Barnichon (RocPro3D)
In the context of individual rockfall simulations, the DTM is known to be a first-order factor influencing the trajectories of blocks. With available high resolution topographic surveys, the question arises as to what is the optimum DTM resolution required to perform simulations.
Rockfall trajectography: 3D models predictive capability assessment and coefficients calibration using optimization-based processes
Fantin Raibaut (IRS), Olivier Ivanez (Terzatec), Benjamin Barry (AEGIS Groupe), Cyril Douthe (Laboratoire Navier)
A methodology for assessing the predictive capability of 3D trajectographic simulation models using RocPro3D through back-analysis of real rockfall events was presented. The observed and simulated stop points clouds are seen as probability measures, and are compared with help of the Wasserstein distance, which assesses the average stop point forecast error.
Cahora Bassa Dam survey, design and realisation
Baptiste Audoyer (Hydrokarst), Ivan Bergzoll (Groupe Hydrogeotechnique)
Regarding an international project, Hydrokarst and RAZEL-BEC, in partnership with Groupe Hydrogeotechnique and SETES.SA geotechnical consultants, have been selected to secure a cliff in Mozambique. RocPro3D has been used to dimension the protection works.